Tuesday 3 June 2014

Smoothie Operator

Summer is nearing and I can't wait! And in summer there is nothing I like better than a healthy fruit smoothie for breakfast, or for a little treat during the day. Here are my two favourite recipes for you to try out. Of course you don't have to stick to my recipe, you can change the fruit, flavour of the yoghurt etc to your preference. Enjoy!

 Summer fruits smoothie
For this smoothie you will need:
 A generous pour of organic vanilla yoghurt
A splash of milk
A handful of strawberries
A handful of raspberries 
A handful of blueberries
Whisk it all up until all fruit is blended, and finish will a little drizzle of honey on top

Blueberry and Banana smoothie
For this smoothie you will need:
A generous pour of organic vanilla yoghurt
a splash of milk
1 whole banana
A handful of blueberries
A squeeze of honey
A dash of cinnamon powder 
Whisk (with an electric whisk as before) until all fruit is blended, then finish with a slice of banana on the side. 

This was a very short post today but measurements of ingredients for these smoothies are a matter of preference, there is no right or wrong! I hope you enjoyed these recipes, comment below pictures of ones you have made, or perhaps new recipes for me to try out. 