Sunday 11 May 2014

Let's de-stress!

Aloha! Yes I'm back but I just couldn't miss out on this opportunity to share my ideas of how to de-stress with you. My exams are coming up soon and I'm totally stressed out, so what I like to do every now and then, is to have a bit of 'me' time to relax and unwind. Now you don't have to use these steps just for exam stress, you can use them for anything you like. I think we all deserve a little time to ourselves, and so here my tips on how to de-stress, enjoy!

Step 1:
First you want to get rid of all your make-up using your usual daily skincare routine. This is to let your skin breathe, as having make-up on everyday can block your pores and lead to spots. I use simple kind to eyes make-up remover wipes, and simple facial moisturiser to ensure my skin is fresh and clean. 

Step 2:
Next run yourself a warm bath preferably with bubbles, or a bath bomb if you prefer. This will allow you to have some time to yourself to think collectively, or perhaps listen to some calming music. Having a warm relaxing bath will make you feel quite sleepy and relaxed, which is why it's perfect for this routine. You can wash your hair during this stage, however personally I don't because I don't like to wash my hair amongst the bath bomb or bubbles. 

Step 3:
Next chose a body butter of your choice, my personal favourite is body butter from the body shop in either mango or tangerine. Moisturising your skin will keep it looking young and healthy and will stop it looking dry and tired. You should also get yourself a face mask to replenish you face. They're a wide variety of face masks, however I enjoy clay/mud masks the most as I feel they work best with my skin. Here I am using a cooling cucumber mask from superdrug, but you can use any mask of your choice. 

Step 4:
Next you want to create a relaxed environment so turn off your lights, and either light some candles or some fairy lights like mine. By turning the lights down low, you are more likely to feel sleepy, and your mind is more likely to relax in this type of environment. If you have trouble sleeping, having the lights down low an hour before you go to bed will ease you into sleep as your mind is relaxed and clear of thoughts. 

Step 5
Just before getting into the comfiest place ever (ie; your bed), make yourself a hot drink along with your favourite book. Currently I am reading Blood ties by Sophie Mckenzie- a thriller mystery. Reading a book will help relax your mind and will clear your head of any thoughts that might be worrying you. Reading a book before sleeping will take you away from reality, somewhere where you can immerse yourself into the book and not have to think of anything else, which will definitely help you get to sleep.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog on how to de-stress. I like to do it now and then just to help me focus and not get worried about my exams, and so I hope this helps you too. How do you de-stress? Leave comments below as I would like to try out new ways. Thank you. 

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